SEVI by Sevdalina’s attractive head accessories compete with worldwide brands

Ivana Stoyanova


In recent years, turbans have gained tremendous popularity worldwide and have become an up-to-date fashion accessory. They are an integral part of collections and fashion shows of top designers and brands such as Gucci, Missoni, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Marc Jacobs and others. The trend in Bulgaria is imposed by Sevdalina Dyakova, who is our only national designer of turbans. Her creations are not inferior to world brands in terms of quality, aesthetics and high-level craftsmanship. Namely because of her quality and beautiful design, Sevi by Sevdalina’s turbans become a favorite accessory for many famous people, including the singer Ishtar. The designer has produced turbans for the women of several sheiks from different Arab countries, as well as many singers, models, actresses and influencers from Bulgaria and other places. Sevdalina Dyakova first clashes with the turban as a fashion accessory while traveling abroad and is impressed by the way it gives an exotic and magnetic look as well as a perfect finish to the toilette no matter how sporty or elegant. Having found that quality turbans are quite expensive, Sevdalina decides to make a few for herself and gets a lot of positive feedback. Inspired by interest and demand, she decides to create her own brand – Sevi by Sevdalina, which develops her ideas for a modern interpretation of the turban type hat.

“At first I had some slight doubts and worries about how the ladies would perceive the word “turban”, but it turned out that my clients were more informed and even bolder than me. For a short amount of time, this fashion accessory has become visually fascinating and free of all political and religious roots, and the approval and enthusiasm of the ladies who actively sought out my turban have overcome all my fears,” says the designer.

The story of the traditional turban comes from distant Mesopotamia when it was worn only by royals and spiritual leaders. Over the years, it has spread to different cultures and religions, serving as an identifier for particular social groups according to its color and form. The traditional turban is a very long scarf that is soaked in water, then wrapped around the head so that its owner’s head can cool off during the hottest period of the day. This type of accessory has been featured in the visions of iconic names in cinema and showbiz, among which there are established fashion icons – Greta Garbo, Elizabeth Taylor, Marlene Dietrich, Sofia Loren, Nina Simone, Billy Holiday and others.

The turbans created by Sevdalina Dyakova are in modern shape – a hat type, ready to be worn to facilitate the ladies. Besides beautiful, turbans are also very practical. Depending on the fabric and the model, they can fit perfectly into any vision – sporty, sporty-elegant, beach, daily, winter, summer, evening, cocktail – from the most casual to the most formal. During the hot summer days, it can protect the head from the fiery sun and in the winter – from the cold, rain and snow. They can both preserve the haircut and save a visit to the hairdresser by hiding a bad one.

Sevdalina Dyakova produces her turbans from the highest quality fabrics, which are uncreasable, soft to the touch, comfortable to wear and especially beautiful. The fabrics are chosen according to the season, in the summer season lighter fabrics are used – georgette, stretch, thin neoprene, jacquard, cotton fabrics and fabrics with fine sequins, and in the winter season thicker fabrics are more common – wool, cashmere, leather and the so-called bouquets. The designer combines her materials with various accents, such as pearls, Swarovski crystals, brooches, handmade flowers, ribbons, bundles and more. “The design of the models is entirely mine, I get inspired mostly while selecting the fabrics. When I see a fabric that impresses me, I immediately imagine how the turban made by it will look like and what details it will have. If I cannot imagine it, I just do not buy the cloth – it is obviously not the right choice”, says Sevdalina Dyakova. Often she receives queries for individual orders because each lady has her own vision of how her accessory should look and with which toilette she wants to combine it with. The designer does not regard this as extra work, but as an opportunity to get closer to the taste of the ladies, to learn more about their desires and to exchange ideas and inspiration. Other interesting head accessories by Sevi by Sevdalina are turban headbands, as well as French berets, which are also very trendy at the moment. The designer also produces attractive turbans for newborns entirely of 100% bio cotton.

Sevdalina Dyakova’s ambition is to create beautiful accessories for a modern woman who is interested in a flawless look, follows trends, likes to experiment with her style and wants to be noticed. This striving as well as the achievements of the young designer also do not go unnoticed. For a short amount time, Sevi by Sevdalina has become a recognizable brand among women and has enjoyed great interest. Over the past two years Sevdalina Dyakova has received several fashion recognitions. The first one being “Miss Lady of the Year 2017”, category Fashion. It is important to note that she wins this award only 5 months after starting her project. “I was so excited, that I spent more than three weeks making a turban with 3,000 Swarovski crystals which I would wear during the ceremony.” After two more distinctions – “Best Brand of the Year 2017”, category Accessories and also the lifestyle award “Fashion Brand” in February 2018, the designer is noticed by the Academy of Fashion and receives an invite to attend the fashion show and spectacle of the prestigious annual awards “Golden Needle 2019”.

1. Photo from fashion show by Marc Jacobs, Spring / Summer 2018.
2. Models of Missoni.
3. Sevdalina Dyakova wears Sevi by Sevdalina.
Photo: 1. – 7.: Personal archive
8. – 10. Fashion show of Sevi by Sevdalina at Golden Needle 2019.
Photo 8. – 10: Hilife
11. Sofia Loren with a turban.
Photo: REX /
12. Zeyneb Madzhurova with a Sevi by Sevdalina turban.
13. Nikoleta Lozanova with a Sevi by Sevdalina turban.
14. Zlatka Dimitrova with a Sevi by Sevdalina turban.
15. Svetlana Gushterova with a Sevi by Sevdalina turban.
16. Tita with a Sevi by Sevdalina turban.
17. Alexandra Petkanova with a Sevi by Sevdalina turban.
18. Sonya Nim with a Sevi by Sevdalina turban.
19. Alexandra Petkanova and Sonya Nim with turbans by Sevi by Sevdalina.
20. – 24. Headband style turban by Sevi by Sevdalina.
25. – 28. Sevdalina Dyakova presents hats by Sevi by Sevdalina.
29. Angela – daughter of Miss Bulgaria World 2017 Veronika Stefanova, with a baby turban by Sevi by Sevdalina.
30. Turbans for a mom and a baby by Sevi by Sevdalina.
Photo 12. – 30: Personal archive